Find employee whose salary is more than 10000

Find employee whose salary is more than 10000 using java 8 stream package ajitation; import java.util.*;   public class Test { String empName; int salary;   public String getEmpName() { return empName; } public void setEmpName(String empName) { this.empName = empName; } public int getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(int salary) { this.salary … Read more

Singleton Class in Java

What is Singleton class in java? Singleton class is a class of which we can create only one object. Java program to create Singleton class / Implementing a Singleton class : public class SingltonClassTest { private static SingltonClassTest t = new SingltonClassTest(); private SingltonClassTest() { //don’t allow to create object } public static SingltonClassTest getSingltonClassTest() … Read more

Immutable class in java

What is Immutable class in java? Immutable class in java is that class of which once we create an object then we are not allowed to change the content or state of that object. How to create Immutable class in java?  Make your class as final (can’t extend further)  Make data member as … Read more

Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java is an important aspect of OOP (Object Oriented Programming). It is a method in Java by which a class can inherit the properties (fields and methods) of another class. Inheritance in Java means creating a new class based on an existing class. A child class that inherits from parent class can reuse the … Read more

Project Exception

Project Exception : How you handled exceptions in your project? As part of my project we are handling the exception, generally in my project we have handle user defined exception, based on the business requirement we have categorized user defined exception into different types of exception like- A) Business Exception B) System Exception C) Service … Read more

Java Comments

Java Comments : In any java program, we can use comments which can be more helpful to programmer to understand that what exactly is that method or line of code is all about and it will make more easier to next coder to understand meaning of any such line of code. The java comments are … Read more

Manual And Automation Testing

Manual And Automation Testing : Testing is a process, in which all the phases of STLC (SOFTWARE TESTING LIFE CYCLE) like Test planning, Test development, Test execution, Result analysis, Bug tracking and Reporting are accomplished successfully and manually with Human efforts.Any graduate who is creative can do testing.Testing is a process in which defects are … Read more

Types Of Programming

Types Of Programming : Programming is just fun, it’s true but only when we will have depth knowledge ,so in this post we will know type of programming languages.So programming languages are of three Types:1) Procedural2) Functional3) Object-Oriented Before going to any types of programming languages we need to know about what is “what to … Read more

Constructor and it’s type in Java

Constructor and it’s type in Java : Constructor is nothing but a block (Similar to method) having same name as that of class name.Constructor does not have any return type, even not void.The only modifiers applicable for constructor is Public, Protected, Default and Private.It executes automatically when we create an object. Use of Constructor:-To initialize … Read more

Variable in Java

Variable in java is nothing but the container that stores the value of data during execution of the program. For example, if you write int abc=100; then here  abc is a variable which is of type int and holding value as 100. Declare variable in java: data_type variable_name = variable_value; Here variable_value is optional, you … Read more